@anniegreens Thanks, I appreciate your feedback. I won't rehash the AI debate because as you said it has been covered, but I agree there are a few holes in the overall platform we need to plug.
@anniegreens I thought a webmention from my own Micro.blog-hosted blog would show up here, but no such luck. Here is that reply: Micro.blog Follow-Up.
@manton I knew my webmention wouldn't show up under the blog post itself because comments are only enabled for Micro.blog's timeline. Still, I thought it might appear here. It didn't, so I am wondering if this is an expected behavior. Thoughts?
@anniegreens I feel very similarly.
It’s too bad though, cause there’s a lot I like about Mb as well.
@torb It's true, I don't shell out $10/mo because I don't want it work out. It feels bumpy right now, and maybe it will get better, maybe it won't, either way I can't make a swift change so we'll see how things are in the fall/winter.
@manton Thanks for the reply. I've had these thoughts rolling around for a while. Sometimes you just have to get it out.
@markstoneman It does not appear to have come through as a webmention. I even checked the dashboard under Account > Webmentions.
@anniegreens I trialed Mb, enjoyed my experience, and so I subscribed for a year.
In hindsight, I probably should've done month to month because I'm barely on here now for some/most of the reasons already mentioned.
Downtime + sporadic issues with photos has been my main gripe. I enjoyed discovering new people on the Discover page initially but 1. That came to a standstill and 2. It seems like the same people just keep reappearing so that defeats the whole purpose of discovering new people.
At this point, I'm starting to just accept my losses.
@anniegreens Thank you for letting me know. Since the blog is hosted here with a theme by @mtt, I wonder if @help or @manton can offer any insight into the missing webmention.
@markstoneman I think I might've been a toss-in on that comment, but chiming in just in case. I don't believe individual themes have any influence on webmentions.
@markstoneman @Mtt @anniegreens Yeah, the theme shouldn't matter. Just reviewing this and I don't think Micro.blog is actually sending the webmention in this case... Seems like a bug. You could manually send it with Telegram for now. I'll dig into this today.