@afif Sorry, it's fixed now. Something was stuck behind the scenes for updating your blog in the timeline, which affects the reply box. Let me know if you notice any problems like that again!
@afif It should be there now. For some reason your blog again got stuck updating the Micro.blog timeline, which delays showing the reply box. I'm going to work on improving this.
@afif Fixed again. Very odd… Trying to figure out why this is happening to your account. Sorry!
@afif It's working now, right? I rolled out a change that I think addresses this, and I see your latest blog post in the timeline and the reply box is on the post too.
@afif There's nothing built-in for stats, but there are some plug-ins to integrate with other services like the "Tinylytics for Micro.blog" plug-in. You can install that on the Plug-ins page → Plug-in Directory.
@afif I used Fathom Analytics and their plugin for a year. It is a pay service, but also ethically run. Pretty basic stats, but I didn't need much. I cancelled this year because I realized I just don't really need stats, but was happy with their service.
@afif oops scratch that, it's working now. I did saw the "publishing latest changes" progress bar going on for a while there last night until I open it again this morning. Is it a bug?
@afif Every once in a while the publishing can take too long, let me know if it happens again. Always working on optimizing that.
@manton I might have accidentally added/registered a domain (invoice no 979295BE-0002). Will it be charged to my card? Can you please cancel it?
@manton my blog now defaults to afifrais.com, can you change it back to afif.micro.blog and cancel the domain?
@afif Because of how domain registration are handled by a different provider it's not possible to cancel the charge, but the good news is I figured out why your site wasn't working reliably and fixed it. Your domain should be loading now after the DNS updates (might be cached in browsers for a bit). If you don't want to use the domain, you can clear it on the Design page.
@manton sorry you couldn't cancel it. I thought typing in the domain search name would show a list of available domains so I can pick and confirm. Didn't think it would actually register the domain straight away and charge the user. You should put a warning/reminder for newbies regarding this next time :/
@afif I'll review this. There is supposed to be a "Register" button to confirm the domain registration. Do you remember if that was shown? I checked and it isn't set to auto-renew.