@numericcitizen To be fair, the Ghost crew have basically nicked the best idea from the late, lamented Revue - but yes, it's great and I want it for micro.blog too.
@adders @numericcitizen I saw this update yesterday and thought the exact same. I’m happy for them to do that to be fair, I think they’re doing a really good job. I think I enjoy following and reading ghost writers the most. Maybe it’s a selection effect but the experience in the inbox (and on site) compared to a substack is far better IMO.
@ChrisJWilson As A long-term Ghost user and publisher (and Kickstarter backer, back in the day), you're not going to get any disagreement from me. :-)
@adders I backed the Kickstarter too. I always intended to try my year of pro but never got around to it. Ghost 1 felt a bit disappointing to me, but ghost 3 onwards has been really impressive. The CEO puts me off a bit though. I remember a couple of vindictive / chip on shoulder.
@ChrisJWilson Ah, I’ve always gotten on well with John. He has a limited tolerance for certain behaviours in a way that doesn’t always come across well. But I think he’s a decent person.
I do remembe4 waitin* a while before I shifted OM&HB to Ghost. I can’t remember now which version it was.
@SimonWoods @adders that was one. There’s also his Twitter aggression. I think he may be changing as I saw a thread recently where he called out substack for ripping off a ghost theme and using ghost APIs and it was very measured and opened to dialogue. It may have all been for appearances but that’s better than nothing!
@SimonWoods OK, I admit that I missed that completely.
Having read it, in a sense, I’m not surprised. He clearly has a low tolerance for certain types of complaint. But yes, that was a dick move.
My personal experience with Ghost support and John himself has been nothing but exemplary. It’s always tricky balancing personal experience with stories like these.
@numericcitizen @adders Definitely a great feature. As someone who wants to be a link-blogger but also don't want to inundate my followers' timelines, I refrain from posting links so currently all links go to bookmarks (Raindrop) only.
@pratik @adders I'll stay with Micro.blog with the monthly newsletter feature that is built using a specific category. I'm being super intentional when I decide to add a post with this category because I want the monthly result to be worthwhile in a way. Now, if only we could add "replies" to the newsletter too. @manton ?
@numericcitizen That's interesting… I don't see why replies couldn't selectively be included in the future. Right now there's no concept of replies being included in categories, though.