A sticker on my laptop, back in 2010. I’d love a 2022 version of this (although I doubt it would come from big-in-Japan Six Apart these days…)

A sticker on my laptop, back in 2010. I’d love a 2022 version of this (although I doubt it would come from big-in-Japan Six Apart these days…)
@MitchW Still exists but as a Japanese company, still selling Movable Type, mainly as a corporate CMS.
@adders I wonder if any PHP devs work with 6A these days. I have a legacy $140 all-you-can spawn account. Easy to spin up brochure sites witb static HTML.
@adders I received several password reset emails on my ancient, personal MT account last year. I was surprised to learn that the service is still around. 
@adders You're right! I taught CGI scripts and MT's Perl in one of our earliest academic courses and then pivoted to PHP around the time WordPress was a year old.
@topgold I spent far too long thinking about them in the late 2000s. From 2006 to 2011 I product managed a huge MT install running dozens of B2B magazine blogs…