@JeffPerry you should do a specific post on Auphonic. I’ve not seen anyone mention it before.
@JeffPerry you should do a specific post on Auphonic. I’ve not seen anyone mention it before.
@ChrisJWilson it’s a surprise how it’s not well known. I personally love it, and tell every podcaster I meet about it!
@JeffPerry It's a great post. I too am a Ferrite believer! In broad strokes, what do you do to clean up your audio and what sort of edits do you make? I'm still sorta new to it and I don't always know I'm making the right cuts!
@Verso I’ve been editing podcasts for quite some time and my advice is to listen to it with your eyes closed. If it sounds fine without a cut, leave it. Less is more when you edit a podcast. Too much editing and it doesn’t sound normal.
@JeffPerry Agreed, but … Of course the flip side of that is too little editing and it sounds all too normal; i.e. Unlistenable with any kind of concentration.