If you wanted to talk with a group of people in a private, or at least semi-private online place where would you prefer?
- Slack
- Discord
- Mastodon
- Messenger type (Skype, Hangouts, etc)
- Other (feel free to suggest something I have missed!)
If you wanted to talk with a group of people in a private, or at least semi-private online place where would you prefer?
@simonwoods with Apple users: Messages. Otherwise Signal or Discord (I’ve been a user for all om 6 hours 😜)
@simonwoods I really like Slack, but the idea of creating yet another login for another Slack team is exhausting.
@simonwoods iMessage (or group SMS). I’d also be up for something like Signal if everyone in the group was on it.
Because I’m the odd man out (my friends use Facebook messenger) we end up doing a lot of group texts.
@simonwoods It depends on who these people are, and for what purpose. For people I know in the flesh, we use WhatsApp almost exclusively for event planning or general chat; if someone isn't on WhatsApp then they get roped in via SMS. For online-based community/hobbies, it's Discord and login-only forums because my interest groups tend to cluster on those platforms, but I've also used mailing lists (a dying breed).
@simonwoods iMessage if it’s time-sensitive/needs realtime-ish discussion, otherwise email, then private web forum (showing my age…)
Thanks for the replies, everybody!