@JohnBrady Excellent
@JohnBrady Each way, but I do bus or train home, and I don't go every day. I'll walk in almost any weather, given all those benefits you named. Like oxygen for me.
@ablerism @JohnBrady I really need to get on it, too. We live in a phenomenal region for different kinds of foot travel as a hobby so I no longer have any real excuse to not fully embrace this practise. It is such a favour to your future self.
@SimonWoods If you do nothing else, walk when you’re stuck in circles in your head — whether work-led, ideas-led, relationships-led. Walking does more to unstick the insides than anything, I find.
@JohnBrady I’ve thought about what you said here a couple of times. I love long walks but I also tend not to walk in cold weather. I’ll join you in pushing myself to do so.