I’ve added a special Micro.blog pin if you mention “WWDC” in a microblog post today. Screenshot of a few of my pins… You can view these under the Account screen.
I’ve added a special Micro.blog pin if you mention “WWDC” in a microblog post today. Screenshot of a few of my pins… You can view these under the Account screen.
@manton I'm not watching but damn it I even want digital pins. Micro.blog marketing at work again!
@SimonWoods No requirement to actually watch to get the pin! Actually there was a bug where the 2021 pin was unlocked too if you mentioned WWDC recently. It's just for fun so cheating is okay. 🙂
@manton As with televised sport, I really don't find these events worth much without the live audience. And then there's all of the recapping that happens after the event... I'm good to go, and just busy anyway. Looking forward to Gruber's show, though.
Come to think of it, if there was a Micro.blog watch-along I think that would be how I would watch it but even then I'd only care about the other people and not so much about the presenting.
@manton Oh, also, I forgot; the pin looks great!