I have just released Bayou Theme 1.0 for Micro.blog. Read the intro and dive into the documentation. Its main goal is to keep your longform posts visible and accessible without leaving microposts in the dark.
I have just released Bayou Theme 1.0 for Micro.blog. Read the intro and dive into the documentation. Its main goal is to keep your longform posts visible and accessible without leaving microposts in the dark.
@Mtt I'm not sure I understand what is different betwwen Bayou and a "normal" theme. Is there some example how a site would look like with and without Bayou?
@jemostrom Your site currently runs Sumo (one of my themes, so thanks). It offers a traditional firehose blog feed. Every post shows up in reverse chronological order regardless of type, category, length, etc. That's a "normal" theme.
Bayou displays and filters posts based on specific categories and requirements. You can see on the documentation homepage an example of this. Short posts (microposts) are only visible at the top (a single one). Traditional longform post are shown with titles slightly further down (the default setting is to show 10).
Basically, it gives longer life to your longform posts instead of letting microposts push them out of the way.
@Mtt Thanks for your work on this. I'm excited to try it out. I love the look of the Sumo theme, but the ability to have long form content more visible may win me over (and cause me to use Micro.blog more).
@Mtt Hi and Thanks for setting up this theme. I followed the instructions and I'm only seeing one of my longer posts. I have a post from January 8th called "Happy New Year" and I see that it's been categorized as a longform post after running the filter, but I'm only seeing my most recent post about Weekend Sewing when I load my domain. Thoughts?
@kimberlykg This is common when using a filter for the first time. It takes a while to process and build. After the initial time, it should be good.
@Mtt heh Matt - I tried to preview - and it gave me a blank site - is there a waiting period?
@kimberlykg It definitely should be working by now but I can see it isn’t. It appears your filters didn’t run. Your older posts aren’t showing the proper categories.
@JohnPhilpin The preview won’t work for it because Bayou requires a special setup process to work properly.
@Mtt Great theme! Thank you. I installed it on my micro.one blog but it seems the customization is quite limited there; will play with it a little bit more before installing it on my micro.blog account.
@mdalves Yeah, you’ll need a higher account than that. I need to clarify that in the documentation. Thanks.
@JohnPhilpin @manton I can probably add that to the little description blurb in the meantime. Not compatible with Micro.one.
@Mtt That's odd. I didn't check all my posts earlier but the Happy New Year one definitely had the filter on it earlier. I'll look at it again when I get back to the computer.
@kimberlykg Easiest way to check is to go to an individual post and see what categories are listed at the bottom. That part is done exclusively on the micro.blog side, and a theme shouldn’t affect it one way or the other.
@Mtt That's what I did earlier and that's what I did again just now. Longform is still showing as checked on that post and others.
@kimberlykg Can you go to Account → Logs → Rebuild Site? You can also check for any Errors on the Log page. If you see an error, let me know what it says.
@Mtt Rebuild Site seemed to do it. Before I did that, I edited one of the long form posts and it started showing up as well. I think I have the complete list now.
@Mtt Do you have a sense of what the most popular microhooks are? I'm thinking we could pick 2-3 microhooks and build a special UI just for editing them, even for Micro.one's folks who don't get full template editing.
@manton That's a hard question. None of the themes require microhooks to function. Bayou and Sumo (and soon Tiny) do allow for language/localization selection (and pagination #) which requires editing config.json
I am pushing out a couple small tweaks today that should make Bayou work with Micro.one (I should've seen that from the beginning). It won't work properly with the preview function, but that's because it is so picky about using the right category names. I doubt there's anything to do for that.
@Mtt Thanks, I'm currently rethinking how I should do my web site. The Bayou may, or may not, change this.
@Mtt I've installed the theme which I think looks great, but none of my posts are showing in Longform despite having the category and it saying there are over 200 posts in it. Not sure what's gone wrong.
@philbowell I had the same issue. You need to go to account > View logs (bottom of the page) > then click "Rebuild (your site url)". and it should sort it.
@philbowell It’s an issue with Micro.blog. Go to Account → Logs → Rebuild Site. That should fix it.