Siri Watch Face:
@rosemaryorchard Nice post. The Siri face is my default as well, although I use the OmniFocus complication instead of my rings.
The rings show as a card on the face when you don't have the complication active.
Then the watch face shows me todos, calendars and everything else.
@jl\_siewert I find the tiny complications don't give me enough data on my OmniFocus tasks. But I have activity turned off on the watch face to avoid duplicates :)
@rosemaryorchard Fair point, it is more a shortcut to the app.
Maybe I should try @macsparky's idea and put Drafts up there. I really don't use this app to its full potential.
@jl\_siewert I've been switching them out. I actually have two Siri faces next to each other with slightly different settings and different complications - just a swipe to switch is nice.
@rosemaryorchard Two Siri watch faces? Why did I never thought about that? Sounds like a great idea to try out.
@jl\_siewert sorry to jump in here. I also use two faces, but I use Modular as my second face as it have more complications. I use it like a launchbar for my watch. //@rosemaryorchard
@vishae I have way more than 2 faces! But just 2 Siri faces ;) I need to do a post on all my watch faces and how I use them.
@rosemaryorchard I also have very targeted watch faces set up, generally targeted for a specific part of my day. I'd definitely be interested in reading how other folks use faces on their Watch!
@rosemaryorchard Great post! Customizing sources has made this face much better! I bounce back and forth between a couple different face setups and this is one of them. It has A LOT of potential with a few more tweaks. 🤞
@rosemaryorchard I totally want to do this as well! It would be awesome to see what everyone uses and get some insight into why.
@Burk I found people frequently dismiss this face unfairly! Glad you're giving it another chance :)
@rosemaryorchard You've convinced me to try out this face again. I indeed did not know about customizing data sources, so I'm going to start somewhat minimal and see what I miss from Modular.
@brandan Enjoy! Modular still has a special place in my heart - mostly for travel days :)
@joelmearig I find it's nice to try these things again months later when someone else can make some suggestions as to how better to use it 😇😛
@rosemaryorchard My first experience with the Siri face: calendar events were in the wrong time zone! I was in California last week, so I guess some cache had not gotten busted. Two-finger salute cleared it up. ✌️🐛
@rosemaryorchard Thanks to your post, I've been using the Siri watch face almost exclusively since Thursday with a config based on your advice. #RoseWasRight 😳
@rosemaryorchard Apparently my life is too boring for the Siri watch. I like the others much better. Oh, well.