Instagram’s transformation into QVC is now complete and absolute. Instagram is dead — or at least the Instagram I knew and loved is dead. It is no longer part of my photographic journey.
Instead he posts to his photo blog.
Instagram’s transformation into QVC is now complete and absolute. Instagram is dead — or at least the Instagram I knew and loved is dead. It is no longer part of my photographic journey.
Instead he posts to his photo blog.
@manton I'm doing this for the first time in many years and I am enjoying it a lot. I don't have to think about likes, hashtags, bla bla bla. I just post and enjoy it on my site.
@manton This makes perfect sense. I headed over there to try and scroll and the fact that every other post was an ad had me bailing almost immediately. This is a bummer, because some communities I want to follow do their primary interacting there - especially cosplay.
@KimberlyHirsh @manton Per the advice of @patrickrhone I've removed it from my phone and will only use it via the web. No posting but essentially as a "reader" for feeds that are not available anywhere else.
This reduces the frequency of visits and helps me maintain a targeted, intentional use of the platform. Mostly it's a case of finding things as a launching point for other parts of the web.
@SimonWoods @patrickrhone This is what I recently did for Reddit, too. The website is constantly asking me to open in the app, though. So frustrating.
@SimonWoods @manton @patrickrhone Almost all of my social media interactions I do through the browser. I have noticed that my cosplay account shows ads more infrequently than my other accounts.
@pimoore I agree. But kinda stoped using Glass and focused 100% on my blog. Maybe I will start posting there again. It’s a nice site for sure.
@manton I wish we could make display of photos better on blogs. I tried doing a mini photo essay via Sunlit but if you add multiple photos together, the formatting is all messed. Some can be fixed via CSS but one shouldn’t have to mess with it too often.
@pratik I saw your post briefly but not sure what happened with it... This post from a couple years ago was made in Sunlit and that's what it's supposed to look like. It's designed to be multiple groups of thumbnails, essentially.
@manton I would have loved it if it appeared that way (Ideally in a lightbox when clicked). Is it because the photos were not square? And possible to center photos when it's just one photo or odd number of photos? My reach request is for these to be displayed in masonry style :)
@manton As an aside, I think we need more photoblog themes on The market is ripe there since Glass doesn't offer custom domains yet.
@pratik I couldn’t agree more!! And I am working on a custom theme exactly to improve on photo displaying. 🙃
@pratik I agree! I'd love to have more themes for photo blogs. There are more options for the Photos page now via plug-ins, but not much for the home page.
@Gaby @pcora Ideally, I want it all on MB coz of the customization and other plugins I can use. I love Glass and if they offer custom domains, I would have to strongly consider it as a my photoblog.
@pratik yeah, if they had custom domain support it would be a different conversation. But I don’t expect they adding any of that in the near future.
@otaviocc That would fit nicely with something we’ve been talking about recently: to add an option for feeds to import to your blog instead of just showing up in the timeline.
@otaviocc @jasonekratz @manton oh, that would be game changer for my current use of Glass! Especially since as I mentioned to @pratik before, I don't believe they will ever support custom domains.