Finished reading: Dune by Frank Herbert 📚 ★★★★★
@robertbreen reading! Concept.
@robj I loved it. I read it for the first time almost 40 years ago, and I was just as mesmerized this second time around. For a book written almost 60 years ago, it’s amazing how Dune still feels fresh and relevant. I moved from Vashon Island in Washington State to the Arizona desert a year ago, so I had a new appreciation for the royal family’s move from Caladan to Arrakis. Plus, I’m a sucker for a well told Hero’s Journey. Now, I’m ready to see the movie.
@robertbreen Movie is good. I thought part 2 was better than part 1, but both pretty good. Hard to cover such a complex story in only 2 movies though, so there is a lot left out - and they change a couple of things ...of course. Still pretty good though. I have not seen the 1984 David Lynch version, but it is on my list.
On the book, read it for the first time a year or two ago, just before part 1 came out. I was simply astounded. For its age, way ahead of its time. And I also couldn't get over the idea that Lucas patterned Star Wars on it. Scene after scene seemed to be straight from Star Wars... but then you think - no, its the other way around.
You know what they say: you can patent an expression, but not an idea. Lucas took that to heart.