Orion the hunter is one of the most beautiful and recognizable constellation in the night sky. The brightest stars Betelgeuse and Rigel sit at the top left and bottom right of the rectangle. The flame nebula is close to the leftmost star of the three that form the belt; the running man ...
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@Parag A stunning photo! It's amazing to see all of the stars that we normally don't see with our eyes. I could never quite wrap my mind around the distance between stars that seem so close, but in reality are quite far apart. Which is to say, it's hard to grasp of the size and distances of space. I love thinking about it and coming away with the same sense of awe every time.

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@Denny Thanks! Our depth perception and grasp of distances is quite inadequate. This reminds me of my neighbor who used to work in the Navy and was stationed on submarines. Sometimes, he would be out on the seas for several months before coming back to port and home. Because of the time on the submarine where the farthest you can see is probably 20-30 feet, his depth perception used to get messed up and he had a hard time navigating in the outside world for a day or two. I think we have a similar problem when we look out to the stars.

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@Parag Agreed! And yeah, I'd guess that the submarine experience would do something weird to one's perception. Never thought of it! But I think you're probably right in comparing the two.

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