
I was thinking for myself to get an M1 iPad Pro 12.9” (before event) but the more I think about it if I need new personal hardware I’m thinking maybe I should be looking more into the M1 iMac.

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@adamprocter what’s making you change your mind?

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@pimoore well i do like my iPad Pro for scribbling notes and such and want to do more drawing etc but I have a functional iPad Pro with original pencil, I really want a more powerful one but as it’s M1 I’m wondering if I will miss apps and such that I could instead have on a iMac set up at home - plus iPad would cost more than an iMac and that’s without even buying keyboard and stand - I probably don’t need either really. I just think M1 in iMac I can do more and limp on with old iPad… or I try and get more productive on iPad setup and continue to use work MBP for coding (with screens). I guess if I could write and run on iPadOS that would be a game changer. My 16” MBP and it’s fans just feels old already 🤣 I feel like the M1 will be trapped in iPad but also M1 trapped at home on iMac…. 🤪🤣

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@adamprocter Yeah the new iPad is really expensive if you want a model with 16GB of RAM, and like you said that doesn’t include the cost of Pencil, keyboard, trackpad, stand, etc. Honestly, apart from certain background workflows that aren’t supported on iPadOS, and audio routing — both of which may not be addressed at WWDC — I’m more concerned about ergonomics. My neck and eyes have been strained lately, and I have no doubt it’s from my iPad.

The Mac has a lot of legacy “baggage” it’s holding onto, and is one of the reasons I enjoyed jumping on the iPad platform. On the flip side, however, are some apps and workflows that still are lagging behind on the iPad — if present at all — with no guarantee they’ll become available. I’ve never felt more torn whether I go with my heart, or my neck. 😂

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@pimoore @adamprocter I'm really curious to see what Apple will unveil at WWDC. I'm prepared to be disappointed, but I can't really believe that Apple placed the M1 chip in the iPad just to be able to say it's powerful, only to then keep it neutered.

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@gpittman @adamprocter If they ended up doing just that, I’d be truly baffled as to what their beef against the iPad is. Part of me wants to hold off to see what they do at WWDC, but I’m well beyond the point of needing new hardware.

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@pimoore @adamprocter I went with 256GB, 12.9". I think 8GB of RAM is MORE than I need given I'm coming from the 2018 with 4GB of RAM. Really, the 2018 I have works very well. I upgraded now because I can get a good bit on trade-in and will need to replace current battery if I keep this one. Given the amazing performance on more limited memory I think 8GB of RAM will work for most people.

Regarding ergonomics, I tend to bounce between a desk set-up with a trackpad and connected screen for eye-level, larger display which helps with eye and neck strain. I do about 50% of my computing there then the other 50% with the iPad in my lap using the Smart Keyboard Portfolio. A lot of folks have jumped on the Magic Keyboard bandwagon but I really still like this 2018 keyboard. I've always liked the typing on it and it keeps the iPad close for fairly easy swiping on the glass. For me much of the joy is in using the iPad as a touch device (when it's in my lap atteched to the keyboard). Saves money too.

I'm lucky in that the work I do (graphic design, layout and coding html/css) all works really well from an iPad. The only thing I'm still waiting on is Affinity Publisher which looks to be coming in 2021. Until then I still use that on my Mac.

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@Denny @adamprocter For me the ergonomic issues are mostly coming from when I’m sitting and using it as a tablet, as by default in this position you’re looking down at it the whole time unless you have it propped up or are holding it higher (which itself gets tiring). I’m not sure how easy a solution there will ever be to this unfortunately.

Having said all that, I still love the device and really hope Apple starts giving the software more attention. Just the other day Finder on my work Mac decided to hang entirely simply because an SMB network connection dropped. That, teamed up with the recent gaping security hole in macOS that just got patched, isn’t making my decision any easier.

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@pimoore this is very valid. I might wait until WWDC and a few other things slot into place. I was hanging on as last iPad Pro update was not really an update and I wasn’t in the market the big update before that. If I start back to commuting on a train a few days a week I am very tempted for that time to be iPad Pro work time or Nintendo switch playtime🤣

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