@colinwalker Thanks for the code. I'll doubt I do. Using a date is already nice, gives at least some reference without adding weight. What I almost like the most about microblogging is not to not to have to worry about a title. It makes it much easier to simply write and get stuff out. I feel that once there's a title coming to it, one has to have more of a plan what to write. Makes it somehow more serious.
@svens Completely agree. Trying to find a title can dictate the direction a post takes. Rather than things flowing naturally you try to make them fit and that's not good.
@colinwalker @svens do you ever find that you start a micro post that evolves into a long form post?
And a title almost magically suggests itself?
@desparoz @svens Micro posts turn into long(er) posts all the time but it's rare that I'll then give them a title. I write so little with titles now.
@colinwalker Hi Colin! I just had an idea related to the post-title situation. What about to have the post-title for Mircoblog posts, simply be the beginning of the content. Feed readers do that anyway and it would be easier to identify post in the admin.
@svens The only problem is that micro.blog treats posts with a title as a long form post so, even if it was below 280 characters, you'd only get the first bit. The drive is also to get feed readers to better support items without titles - they're not required by the RSS spec.
@colinwalker That makes sense. But if you, and I understand you do, exclude the title RSS feed for the microblog category, then it wouldn't matter at all. Or am I missing something?
@colinwalker @svens The nice thing about blogging is that anyone can choose their own format. However, having said that... :-) I do think long posts should have titles. It makes it easier to read in a timeline view.
@svens Yeah, I use a custom RSS template for my microblog category with no item title element.
@svens @colinwalker From a non-technical, dilettante blogger, using Colin's method to simply remove the title content seems to work for micro.blog. (1/2)
@svens @colinwalker That way you can have any sort of title on the blog and the whole post will show here. (2/2)
@svens @colinwalker The title element still exists and a feed validator will complain about the empty element, but it doesn't seem to cause any problems. (Of course, I'm uncool and like to have titles for my micro posts too). ;) (3/2)