@manton hey super random question, is it possible for micro.blog's cross posting feature to work in the other direction — as in, when i post something on bluesky, it would also post it to my blog?
@manton Weird thought and idea: Why isn’t / can’t ALT text displayed inline with the image on the stream? Could add something useful.
@dame.bsky.social Sort of. You can add the Bluesky RSS feed in Micro.blog to the Sources page and choose the “import posts to my blog” option. The catch is Bluesky’s feed doesn’t include photos.
@dame.bsky.social Sort of. You can add the Bluesky RSS feed in Micro.blog to the Sources page and choose the “import posts to my blog” option. The catch is Bluesky’s feed doesn’t include photos.
@Archimage Alt text wasn’t intended to work that way, so I think it’s best to include actual text with the post if you want it to appear in the timeline.
@manton registering my official guess that I've had since Core Int came out-- all of the features of Micro.blog that you'd want just for yourself, as private. Notes, Bookshelves, Bookmarks in one service. A micro.blog just for you-- no website or blog involved.
@manton After hearing you say on Core Intuition that if you told anyone what it is they would talk you out of it, I am especially intrigued. 😊
@manton i know it wasnt meant to work that way. Thanks. just an idea. Keep up the great work.
@jsonbecker Very interesting idea! Parts of that may surface later but the start of this is still rooted in blogging.
@manton dang. I thought with the name (For One), subset of features, and idea of splitting some things off that I had it nailed!
@jsonbecker That is close to where we’re eventually going but not quite yet. I’ve been calling that model — a suite of tools where you can pick only certain things — the “phase 2” of Micro.one. Still room for it to evolve.
@jsonbecker @manton it’s kind of similar to the various parts that make up @aaronpk’s website, at least the parts that are public facing. Love the “component” way it’s usable, easily being able to turn on / off things, being able to make some items public, with others private. Very awesome!
@manton my guess a stripped-back blog with only 1 most recent post + RSS + crossposting at name.micro.one for $1/mo with a tagline like “your one place to post to the web” (maybe an Archive page? But nothing else.)
@haglund And here I am, thinking that micro.blog is already a stripped down version of a personal website — coming from Wordpress, squarespace and the like. It’s even in the name!
@haglund Very good guess. That's in the ballpark, but I always want to let people have their own domain name too.
@manton - Really great url. Either you bought that some time ago, before the vultures got in. Or, your bank balance is considerably lighter.