
My husband and I took our son to pride night at Fenway yesterday where folks donned their Red Sox pride jerseys and celebrated our community. It felt like a big party where all were safe and included as we watched the game. It was a welcome contrast to what I’ve been reading in the news lately

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@decarbonization that's amazing that America's pastime of past-times is now so welcoming to gay men, would be great to see the English Premier League ⚽️ (where your owner's got another 🔴 team) follow that trend.
I noticed visiting, Chicago seems to be on a drive to diversify the fan base of their ⚪️ Sox too with posters targeting south-side youngsters. Perhaps a sport needs to find humility before it'll widen its culture. My fear with UK football is that the Gulf money pumping feverish popularity into will avert any need to. Perhaps your cities can show the way at the '26 World Cup.

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@warner I don’t know that the welcoming atmosphere would be found in every ballpark, I know there was some drama with the Blue Jays recently. The city of Boston has been drifting left for some time, and I think what we experienced at Fenway reflects that shift. E.g. post-pandemic, it’s not uncommon to see same gendered couples holding hands in public without being harassed. Still, finding friendly ground in a traditionally unwelcoming setting is a good feeling

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