Workflow: OmniFocus When Home:
@rosemaryorchard Do you use a geolocated tag or context to automatically alert you when you arrive home?
@Bruce I have an iBeacon and use it to trigger Launch Center Pro to open that tag when I get to my apartment. iBeacons have a relatively small range which is more appropriate for apartment living than a geo based tag :)
@Bruce Accurate! I have one in my desk drawer too - and a third for travel which lives in my suitcase or passport holder and I just activate those actions when I need them :)
@rosemaryorchard I have a workflow similar to this, but I never thought about having workflow fix the capitalisation of my input, thanks for that.
Also, what brand iBeacon do you use?
@rosemaryorchard thanks! Their website is really aiming their product at retailers and business owners, I’ll have to read up some more on it.
@vishae They were selling packs of 3 on Amazon, they're recently created a new model though which I haven't found there just yet.