Timeline read position syncing can’t come soon enough for Micro.blog. It pains me every single day.
Timeline read position syncing can’t come soon enough for Micro.blog. It pains me every single day.
@jarrod Aaand the app reloaded out of memory and I lost my position after scrolling and loading many pages. Awesome.
@jarrod Goddammit. I switched to the web version on my iPhone, scrolled and loaded alllll the way badk to my postion. The screen rotated. The tab reloaded due to a memory issue. Back to the top of the timeline. 🤦♂️
@jarrod I swear I posted this because its something I think about a lot, and not because I was currently having issues. Those started after I mentioned it tonight.
@jarrod And in case anyone is wondering why I feel the need to go back and read everything…I follow/subscribe to people because I want to read their stuff. All of their stuff. If I wanted read some of their stuff, I’d rely on a recommendation algorithm that’s all the rage on other networks. I actually think timeline completionists like me are in line with Micro.blog’s ethos, if not its current user experience.
@jarrod I’m the same way. But since I read roughly 100-200x more posts than I respond to, I just follow my following feed in my RSS reader.
@jsonbecker I might have to give that another try. I’ve done it before and didn’t like the experience much, but last night was very frustrating.
@vincent in terms of my using it, yes. Hey, I'm an app developer too, so I understand this can be frustrating feedback, but knowing what features are showstoppers for some people is useful.
@dejus no no, not frustrating at all. I hear you. That’s one reason why I can’t continue with the current codebase for Gluon… I tried many times, but it was not good enough for me so I gave up until I can rewrite the whole Feed stack/API. I don’t want a crappy experience either held together by bluetac.
@dejus I haven't tried Icro, but maybe I should. I used Gluon for a while, but have switched to the official app for most of the year.