
So, I’ve been downloading Firefox and Brave for some cross browser testing… why do they all advocate for privacy and yet their default search engine is Google? Doesn’t make any sense.


@jeannie @vincent Without Google as the default search engine, Mozilla would not exist. Everybody likes to hype the open-source, non-profit organisation but the cult of the free doesn't lead to sustainable environments for building massive technology.

Also, as Jeannie said Brave is a Chromium browser so I don't know how much you can trust anything they say about privacy.


@jeannie @simonwoods seems most people jump in bed with Google. It’s a shame that money is still the best motivator to give a blind eye to things like this. Even Apple, but whatever they’re a bad fruit lately anyway.

Interesting if Chromium terms stipulate that you have to use Google. I think MS Edge uses Bing as default...

In reply to

@jeannie I’d like to think that not everyone thinks like that... I don’t and wouldn’t. Maybe I’m on my own then 😭


@vincent @jeannie The case with Google is complicated because the amount involved is way more than what is needed. Unfortunately this created a dependency which Mozilla either didn't see or chose to ignore, until recently when they finally got to work on actual products (VPN, etc).

As for money, the problem with ethical hard lines is that the nice middle line of ethical costs either doesn't exist or is so difficult to see that it might as well not exist. Certainly our modern web-based societies have not established clear and obvious paths from which people can choose, and as such I don't envy the people who have to make the difficult decisions with products and platforms of any size, let alone that of Mozilla.
