
My Instagram account got suspended – I’m guessing they didn’t like me pulling posts into my RSS reader, because I haven’t posted in ages. Unlocking it requires sending a selfie, which I’m not inclined to do. Is that silly? Meta knows what I look like from my naive FB days. But meh 🤷‍♀️

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@tracydurnell I don't think that's silly, tbh! It's more like Instagram has such an inflated view of its own importance that it thinks it can tell you to jump through all these unreasonable hoops… I think it's natural to be resentful of that when it's something you ACTUALLY have to do, so when it's something totally unnecessary like Instagram, it's easy to be like, "hmmm no, go to hell" 😛

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@jayeless 😂 right? I never post on it anymore, and almost never check it, so it's mostly just annoying to lose future access. I have all the photos I ever posted on it, I'll just lose whatever captions I wrote 🤷‍♀️ Last year I saved the personal websites of everyone I followed who had one, so at least I'm not losing all of that.

I find it ironic that I was prepared to lose Twitter -- I wasn't expecting to lose Instagram first 😂

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