
💾 Readwise Reader has a new feature of note. I’ve been looking forward to it so much, that I’m almost a bit anxious to check it out. Posting this and heading over to the web app.

📁 RSS Folders on Web – You can now organize your RSS feeds into folders and pin individual feeds to the left sidebar resulting in a more traditional feed reading experience.

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@todor oh oh oh ... gosh darn - and today was so wonderfully planned out ... 'was' being the operative word.

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@todor and ... in some ways I am happy - because i just got my day back!

BUT still sad ...

You have to manage the folders inside of Readwise. Which I get. What I want is that the folder structure I already have in NetNewswire ro be held when i export the OPML from NetNewswire and recognized when I IMPORT that OPML Into Readwise.

But there's more - I'll tell you what I really really want .. is that I manage the RSS in one place (in my case NNW at the moment), and then MicroBlog and Readwise are just dynamically synching ...

But - sadly - no.

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@JohnPhilpin I'm not familiar with OPML - does it support similar concept as folders, i.e. the grouping? If yes, there is still hope!

As to better sync and having a "hub" - I get you. For the longest time I used Feedbin, but ultimately decided to make Readwise my hub. Lack of feed folders kept me on the edge for a year, but the official sync with Obsidian is what converted me.

Btw, first impressions from the folders feature are good! Many views I had were automatically converted to folders. However, a few that had fancier queries such as "published__after" remained as views.

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@JohnPhilpin Feedbin has integration with Posting and, if I'm not wrong, replying. IIRC, though, one couldn't easily navigate to the full conversation and this bugged me a lot. Unfortunately, I understand all this takes extra effort from developers to create and maintain.

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OPML is a way of importing and exporting your feeds twixt spaces - if it would synch - I could forget about it.

I use Feedbin as a back end to my NetNewsWire - AND I am a Readwise user - My Feedbin has been 'curated over years - and in all honesty there is a lot in there that I don’t read - cos they don’t relate to 'current me' - but one day they might again ... so I keep the feeds in place - but ignore.

SO - when it comes to Readwise - I don’t want to block move everything over - I am trying to use Readwise as more of a home of 'considered thought' - rather than a bucket.

This means - I have on and off tried to import 'important' feeds there - and not others - that I just vaguely track - read maybe with time and maybe even totally ignore. It works nicely - for my 'top 20'

I had forgotten that I had Feedbin connected to MicroBlog - but that still isnt synch?

BUT - you had me at folder support into Readwise.

My NETNEWSWIRE OPML export moved the folders over and I can then use as I see fit - BUT - under Readwise - my folders were just ignored. So, looking in Feedbin - I see the folders - so maybe next job is to export out of Feedbin and see if Readwise accepts those folders.

That would help for sure.

As someone we know in this world says ... "still diggin'

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