
If there would be a bookshelves feature for games then the “currently playing” shelf would include Dead Cells. Bought it on a whim the other day, I have been playing it the whole weekend on my MacBook Air through steam using my xbox one controller. Easy to pick up, hard to put down.

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@matti Oh so so hard to put down. Especially once you start getting onto longer runs. (I’ve never made it all the way through, I should say.)

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@darby3 Yeah. I had a couple of runs that went past the first boss and losing just meant that I wanted to immediately get back there.

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@matti Yyyyyup. Shockingly addictive. I think the last time I picked it up I got to like the second or third last area of the game? My pulse was pounding.

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@matti Bookshelves for games is an awesome idea!

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@todor yeah .. and for movies / shows … overall list making … and keep the ideas flowing … here’s the question … do we want micro blog to be the single place where everybody does everything …or do we want micro blog to be the single gateway to and aggregator of everything?

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@JohnPhilpin Good point! M.b could get bloated if we try to address all these use cases. Ideally we'd have services that are able to talk between each other. I imagine I'd like to either (cross-)post from M.b to a game tracker or post updates from a game tracker to my M.b. Trying out since yesterday. Looks neat, but it's also quite bare in the free tier, and I don't see how I can integrated it with M.b.

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@todor it's not just the bloat it's allocation of resources.

MicroBlog is a tight team. if you look at a company like (say) Literal they have at least three team members according to their about page - and ‘all’ they do is ‘bookshelves’.

So MicroBlog is never going to compete in a function race. Nor should they.

Manton has interests that he wants to support on the core platform - hence photographs and books - but not games or movies (yet). So the platform will never have everything and the ‘native’ apps are easy to use - but not fighting to be ‘best of breed’.

This is why my personal vote would be to build a rigorous, easy to access and use infrastructure that would allow any account to extend their site to anything of personal interest. So you find your game site of choice and MicroBlog makes it real easy to serve the elements you want into your site, while I could integrate a much richer experience through my literal account . Etc. Etc.

Rather than spending time extending the core service with more apps and services, here's a couple of possibilities;

  • Make implementation of WebMentions just so easy - that - well - why wouldn’t you?
  • Offer a way to easily publish Obsidian ( and Notion and Roam? ) pages to your blog.

The first should be part of the core platform - the second part of the 'pro' extensions that sit side by side with 'newsletter' and 'podcasts' which are another two examples of MicroBlog solutions that are great because they are built in - but neither of which can truly compete with the companies that focus on that kind of functionality - which is why I use Substack for newsletters and Simplecast for podcasts

Make sense?

Of course - I am well aware that I don’t get a vote - this is not a cooperative 😉

I am also aware of the rich plugins that are emerging - some of which I use

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@JohnPhilpin Absolutely, makes sense! :) I was just thinking that Drafts seems to be easily extensible. I do use it to post to M.b for longer posts. At the same time it could post to whatever other site/service (as long as it’s open enough), effectively eliminating the need for cross-posting. Webmentions, ActivityPub integration and such would make it even easier to tie it all together.

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