I am, therefore I think... [work in progress to both move forward with IndieWeb and consolidate historic information/projects] ## Motivation for this blog ### learning Writing and sharing helps me process and cement ideas and intentions. I learn a lot by sharing what strikes me as important, maybe it helps you, let me know :) ### freedom of speech and AI Looking at [IndieWeb](https://indieweb.org/) as a way to participate in the global community that is the interweb whilst not being solely dependent on large corporations with a different agenda to mine. ## Other writings and the like [Professional freelance blog](https://blog.agentia.tech/en/) needs updating to include information on the projects I've worked on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thompson-m/recent-activity/all/) - general chat covering Tech, AI Native Development, SDLC, AI Regulation, Agentic AI, and Responsible AI [Talks on AI used in the Security domain](https://open-security-summit.org/participant/organizers/matthew-thompson/) ## Old stuff [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/users/751841/matt) - Really enjoyed this place between May and Oct 2011 [Tumblr microblog](https://www.tumblr.com/amonkeysden-blog) - the folly of youth!