PS Portal can therefore now connect to a range of public Wi-Fi networks that require additional validation steps before players can get online, such as sign-in screens. When met with such a hurdle, the handheld will display a QR code to be scanned with a smartphone or tablet that connects players to the necessary sign-in. The PS Vita was Sony’s last dedicated handheld device. It launched in 2011 in Japan and 2012 worldwide. Despite a fantastic lineup of games, the system never caught on. Golden Abyss almost single-handedly sold gamers on the concept of PS Vita, by presenting a fully-fledged home-console experience on a handheld. Produced by Sony Bend (Syphon Filter), overseen by series creators Naughty Dog, Nathan Drake's pursuit of ancient Spanish treasures makes practical use of the touch screen, while elsewhere gameplay builds on the series' strengths. There's roughly a dozen hours of quality adventuring here, featuring thrilling gunplay and fluid navigation, dressed in witty one-liners throughout a true Hollywood-style spectacle. All the hallmarks of Uncharted are in evidence, with ancient temple ruins and tumble-down towns. It's pacey, always with business to attend.