@bbowman I've been sitting with title and general thesis of this article since you posted it. As someone who grew up in a fundamentalist Christian family the role of discipline in child-rearing was a topic of constant discussion in the weekly gatherings we participated in. Much of the priorities I set in my own parenting journey are implicitly or explicitly a correction for the weaknesses I experienced in more submit-to-your-authority-figures parenting style that constituted life in my childhood communities. I'm not a gentle parent "expert" but I generally agree with its philosophical thrust.
Marilyn Simon's article bothers me because it spends so little of its critique on actual practices - and it certainly doesn't propose any practices in great detail. I think an article like Simon's should be read next to this article from Marissa Burt about why Christian families remain some of the most ardent defenders of physical/corporal punishment as a tool of childrearing: https://substack.com/@mburtwrites/p-142215805