@EddieHinkle How have you been getting along with your Focus Planner?
@sumudu I unfortunately have been overwhelmed with everything that’s been going on and I have not been using it. An interesting correlation is that my “productivity” in moving forward some key projects has slowed down, except for the one or two “emergency ones” that have been drawing my attention.
@EddieHinkle Oh, is that right? That's okay I think. You might go back and use it when things settle down I guess
@sumudu Yeah, I think I will. I also started using Omnifocus as opposed to Things as my management app. So I’m not sure if the “newness” of OF or even the change of mode of OF, is changing my use of the journal? I definitely think there’s a place for it and I’m looking forward to seeing how it all settles out over the next month or two and then I can write about it 😁
@EddieHinkle Any particular reason you switched from Things to OF? Are you using it on both Mac and iOS ?
@sumudu @EddieHinkle I’d also be interested in hearing what enticed you to move from Things to OF 👨🏻💻
@justinhudgins @sumudu I plan on writing a full blog post about Omnifocus stuff in particular so I’ll just mention the highlights for now. With Things I found myself adding a bunch of stuff to “Today” and then I would carry it over from day after day. Mark some stuff off, but I would see it all, all day long. OF2 was too limiting to me with a single “context”, but I have been finding OF3’s new tag system and custom perspectives amazing. The flexibility for me to see only the tasks I want to see at a given time has been super helpful. More to come, soon 😉
@sumudu I am using it primarily on iOS, only rarely on the Mac. I tend to use iOS for more productivity stuff but also the lack of OF3 for the Mac also pushes me to use my iPad instead. I’ll probably use Mac more when OF3 for Mac comes out this fall
@EddieHinkle @justinhudgins Looking forward to your blog post in the future. Though I'm not entirely new to OF, I think one of the main reasons it didn't continue using it was due to its deep learning curve. That's said, am thinking of continue to use Things for my personal stuff and start using OF as the task manager for the day job. Not too sure any one else here have that kind of set up for work and personal lives, though nowdays some times it's hard to have a clear separation between work and life
@sumudu I completely understand. That learning curve was one of the major things that pushed me away from OF2. With OF3 I was able to recreate my simple Things workflow with a “Today” tag. Then I read and watched a couple articles and videos by @rosemaryorchard and it changed the way I looked at approaching my tasks, and basically locked me into OF3.
@EddieHinkle I just watched @rosemaryorchard 's YouTube video on Learn OF channel and from what I gathered she has a less complicated set up on her iPad. She may have done quite a bit of automation though, to get to it
@sumudu I basically copied a lot of her approaches (along with another article I read) so I have Workflow tasks that allow me to create morning or evening tasks at work or at home easily. So I have views for those. I also have some perspectives I created based on what I’ve seen called: Upcoming (essentially due), Still Open (recently has started), <= 30 min, > 30 min (Task Time), Next Actions. I also have a bunch of tags that represent stores I go to a lot for shopping items. So I can ask Siri to “add milk to my target list in omnifocus” and then when I’m in the area of target, it pops up and reminds me of what I need to buy. It’s a little more work but it’s more clear
@sumudu My issue with OF is that it’s incredibly clunky on iOS. Things seems to be way better for someone like me who’s iOS only. But there are some things I wish Things had, like the Review feature in OF, so I’m always tempted to go back. cc/ @EddieHinkle
@sumudu It's not less complex, I did have to remove a fair few projects before I did the screencast due to confidentiality issues, but that's my whole setup. It scales up and down depending on need :)
@rosemaryorchard Huh okay. I tried to be little diplomatic in saying less complicated rather than simple. But I now get it. BTW, if your OF set ups varies between devices, does that mean you don't sync them?
@sumudu Nope, everything syncs (except the demo iPad I used), but with less than half my projects present I think it's hard to judge my setup really. But the focus tag is always a per device setting.
@rosemaryorchard Sorry don't get that. Are you saying perspectives are device dependent? Or even tags? They don't sync?
@sumudu No, this all syncs usually. That specific iPad was set up for the demo so doesn't sync. The tag you see in th forecast view is set on each device.
@rosemaryorchard Got you. Many thanks. I will check out any other resources to deep dive on OF.