Forgot my wallet. Got to solve this problem soon. Systembolaget you know.
@ndreas Apple Pay (or alternative digital wallet) in your phone/watch can be a lifesaver. I rarely use my plastic cards nowadays.
@sod True, but is that common here in Sweden? Is it possible to pay with Apple pay at Systembolaget?
@ndreas Apple Pay works everywhere contactless payment is available. It's the same technology (NFC) you probably already have and use in your plastic card. If it's possible to "blippa", you can pay with Apple Pay. 😊
@sod ok, I didn't know that, even though it sounds perfectly reasonable. Thank you. Maybe I should activate that Apple pay account.
@ndreas Jäpp, det är numera hur jag oftast betalar på olika ställen ... tror det bara är K-Rauta som det inte fungerade på, men å andra sidan fungerade inget kontaktlöst där.