Replying to posts, directly from my blog

@MrHenko Thanks for writing this up; I’ve added it to the wiki.

I think for your replies to show up under your original post, you have to also send a Webmention to it (as well as to the reply you’re replying to), although since you’re getting replies from the Conversation to multiple different reply-posts you’ve made on your site that are part of the Conversation, it seems like should have also sent a Webmention back to your original post when your reply-post was added to the Conversation….

(I also think I remember seeing someone who had gotten on-blog-replies to comments that arrived from as Webmentions to be sent back to as Webmentions in response to those comments…but I can’t remember who, so maybe I’m imagining it…)

My head hurts from trying to keep this straight… ;-) But the two things you did figure out are really helpful 👍


@MrHenko Also, 1) how did you liberate the Shortcut from Shortcuts in order to get it into GitHub, and 2) how does one then install it into Shortcuts from GitHub?

The Shortcut sounds really useful for (at least as a starting point in customizing for their own blog) everyone who does get the stuff working 👍


@smokey As I read the third paragraph of your post I literally thought ”my head hurts”. Then I read your forth paragraph. 😀 Anyway, thanks for adding it to the wiki. Follow up question though, what wiki? Where do I find it? I wonder how many webmentions I receive if I also reply to my original post here? Regarding your second post, 1) Used the share sheet and selected ”Dela som fil”, which I assume is called ”Share as file” (or possibly ”Save as file”) in English. That brings up a second share sheet in which I could save it to the files app. From there I uploaded it to GitHub. 2) I’m not sure and haven’t tried it, but I assume you could use the download link on GitHub, save it so files and then open it there and chose to import it. Be aware, the Shortcut is very much a hack solution right now. It totally butchers the result if the post you are trying to reply to originates from a non-hosted account.


@MrHenko Haha! Sorry for making your head hurt, too. Lots of little details yet to be untangled for Webmentions….

The is here; I added your article to the WordPress page (although in some ways the article is applicable to all blog systems).

Thanks for the info about the Shortcut; I had missed the “Share as File” option because it’s so far off the screen to the right in that sheet ;-)

I was not able to get your Shortcut from GitHub into Shortcuts using just iOS, I think because it was missing the .shortcut extension (and Files won’t let you change the filename extension, which it thought was .blog_reply!). But I downloaded it on the Mac, added the correct extension, got reply.shortcut back into Files, and then successfully imported it into Shortcuts on my phone!

I wondered how you were dealing with replying to initial posts, which was part of my reason for wanting to look at the Shortcut ;-) I have a couple of also-hacky ideas for how one might handle that, the best of which involves selecting the username, opening that person’s profile page in a web browser, running my “ Conversation” bookmarklet to make a “Conversation” link appear if there isn’t already one (or if you’re not logged in in the web browser), and then finding the post and feeding its (new) “Conversation” link to your Shortcut ;-)

(Also, you can slightly simplify your Shortcut by using Get Component of URL (Path), then using Split Text (still /) and Get Item from List (Item At Index, 2) each once to get the username; Path is /username/postnumber, which is why it’s index 2, since index 1/first item is the emptyness before the first slash. To me, that feels like cleaner “code”, but that’s just me :-) )



Files won’t let you change the filename extension …

@viticci has a shortcut that neatly gets around that limitation: Rename and save files

In reply to

@artkavanagh Oh, that’s great; thanks! I can even trigger that Shortcut from the “media download view” directly and give the thing the proper name and destination in one step.
