The difference between the way Americans regard athletes versus “intellectuals” is a touchstone for how we see ourselves
The difference between the way Americans regard athletes versus “intellectuals” is a touchstone for how we see ourselves
@grayareas That was great; thanks for sharing. (I hope Mr Abdul-Jabbar can laugh at the irony that it is a pop-culture star [him] spreading the argument ;-) )
@smokey Yeah, I really like the public essays he’s been writing in recent years. The man has his head on right.
Haha. True. Irony noted. 😉
@grayareas I’m not a basketball fan, so I’ve never followed him closely, but I saw him talk on some television program a few years ago and was really impressed with what he had to say. I don’t remember the specifics, just that he came across very thoughtful and well-educated on whatever it was he was talking about.