Looking at attending a baseball game in SF, I think I need a degree in colour shade matching to figure out this map! And I don't even know if I want to go 😂
Looking at attending a baseball game in SF, I think I need a degree in colour shade matching to figure out this map! And I don't even know if I want to go 😂
@rosemaryorchard You want to go, trust me. Games at the Giant's ball park on the Bay are a great pleasure! Take the train up the peninsula and you don't even have to worry about parking. Take the train to the end, get out and walk two blocks or so to the game. Do it, you'll enjoy it.
@Ron Follow up question: Friday night or Saturday night? I'll almost certainly be pretty jet lagged either day :)
@rosemaryorchard Do go! AT&T Park has a beautiful backdrop of the bay and Giants fans are some of the most entertaining I’ve been around. Some things of note: 1. Take CalTrain to the game if you’re coming from the South Bay. It drops you off only a couple blocks from the stadium. 2. Bring a sweatshirt or light jacket. The wind off the bay can be cold year round. 3. The seagulls usually show up around the 7th inning, so think about a hat also. 4. The food there is awesome (thus the seagulls).
@sku\_b Alright. I'll be staying in the center of SF and not renting a car anyway so public transit was the plan! Would you recommend a particular area to sit in?
@rosemaryorchard There's not really a bad seat in the place, as it was purposely built small to be more intimate. Upper deck seats would be cheaper and would give you a better view of the surroundings.
@rosemaryorchard Either one should be fine, maybe go with the better weather forecast, if there's any difference. Dress in layers for easy adjustment to conditions. Have fun & heads up if a ball is coming in toward you. Tell us who wins.