
The internet is basically a stroppy teenager, getting in trouble with the authorities, and making us all wish it would just hurry up and grow up: Deleting the internet’s innocence

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@adders I think the social aspects of the Internet now more closely mirror the real world and that this was inevitable as it expanded to include everyone. The “good days” were better more because the ratio of people with healthy behaviors to unhealthy was higher. Just like in the ‘real world’ there will always be a “arms” race to contain the bad aspects while finding ways to encourage/amplify the positives. Some people will walk the dark streets of the Internet taking advantage of anyone they can, some will choose to live behind guarded gates that keep the dark aspects mostly at bay, others will roam freely fighting darkness and trying to maintain a degree of order. Companies like Facebook will have to decide where they stand. Being idle/neutral, which I think is their current approach, will ultimately not be a viable option.
