
@jamesshelley @mmarfil Secrecy and privacy are not the same thing.

When someone says anything along those lines (“if you have nothing to hide” etc), I reply by asking them why they bother to close the bathroom door? We all know what you’re doing in there — why not just leave the door open? Why so secretive? What are you hiding?

Privacy is about retaining control over the choice of when, whether, and to whom, you release information about yourself. For example, I may choose to keep certain parts of my body covered, but it’s no secret that I have, say, ankles or earlobes (or whatever)


@rnv Replied to If you’re not doing anything wrong, what do you have to hide? by James Shelley (jamesshelley.com)

Thank you for posting this. I’ve always been a bit stumped when someone says the whole “what does privacy matter if I’m doing nothing wrong?” argument. Some of the points put forward – especially about shutting the bathroom door – might make sense to them.


@rnv Replied to If you’re not doing anything wrong, what do you have to hide? by James Shelley (jamesshelley.com)

Thank you for posting this. I’ve always been a bit stumped when someone says the whole “what does privacy matter if I’m doing nothing wrong?” argument. Some of the points put forward – especially about shutting the bathroom door – might make sense to them.
