We paid 25p to pee in Hyde Park yesterday. Just FYI
@maique it’s a fancy wee
@pratik you are here at a wonderful time, in my opinion. Once in a life time experience. We had our road closed and had a party to celebrate 🎉
@Munish I was not looking forward to the crowds but it definitely adds to the dynamism of the city. Loved it. And all the 🇬🇧 everywhere
@pratik First time I ever used a paid lavatory was at Paddington station. I knew they existed before, but it was still quite a surreal experience.
@pratik Ooh, wow. That must be a new thing. Had to fish around for change when I went (in 2013).
@lmika Everything is cashless now. I’ve used my physical credit card exactly once. And cash also exactly once (could’ve used touchless if I had walked 50 more feet).