The iPad is the touch first computer for the rest of us Well, now, this is an interesting iPad headline and different from most that I've seen: Why Reviewers Lament iPadOS While Users Absolutely Love It | PetaPixel. Jeremy Gray at PetaPixel writes: "In the days and weeks after the launch of the new iPad Pro from Apple, I noticed quite a bit of discourse responding to critical reception of the tablet that boils down to this: If iPadOS is so bad, why are so many creators using nothing else?" Hmm. I'm familiar with the reviewer opinion that iPadOS is too simple, too locked down. I'm not sure I've s...
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@Denny That was a great article and so was your reply. This part in particular resonated:

The iPad is a new kind of computer that offers a new paradigm of computing for a younger demographic that grew up with touchscreens rather than Macs.

I grew up with traditional point and click desktop computing, not unlike the old school Mac users Gray points out. Yet for me, this new paradigm was fun and refreshing. The iPad experience isn’t 100% perfect, but if they bring multi-track audio and fix Safari stability, I’d be happy with just those two things. There are some other quirks I find with regards to my job workflows when working from home, but that’s not a dealbreaker since I’m mostly in the office these days. I work around them, and they’re limited enough friction to give them a pass.

Full disclaimer: part of me has been considering going back to a Mac machine for my next computer. Not just because of these above issues, but to have access to some other apps I miss, along with local environments. Thing is, I just don’t want to. I truly love the iPad computing paradigm, and the device itself is flexible, accommodates many workflows and environments, and is still a joy to use. Perhaps more importantly and telling, I’m happier when I come home to my iPad after babysitting my work Mac all day.

The iPad simply isn’t going to be a fit for everyone’s needs, and that’s ok—it was never meant to. That’s not a failure of the device, nor should it be labelled as such.

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@pimoore Yeah, I look forward to the day that those folks can move on and just be happy using what works for them!

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