@jarrod You're more confident than I am. 😂 Although if memory serves the search engine choices in Safari weren't all there previously either, so here's hoping.
@jarrod Kagi supports !bangs out of the box - so you don't need that extension, really. (And it syncs with desktop!).
You can also setup up to 20 of them to not need the ! - so I just type "yt something" to search for something on YouTube.
I don't think you can make your own, I think K, but they support _tons_ of sites.
@pimoore I feel like if Ecosia is there (which is what I’ve been using for a few years), Kagi has to make the list soon enough.
@jarrod I think you’re the first person to mention using Ecosia full-time. How do you find it, and what made you choose it over alternatives like DDG?
@pimoore It’s been fine. Certainly as good as DDG or Bing in my opinion. I know DDG uses Bing for the backend, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Ecosia does too. The whole planting trees schtick got me. If I was going to see ads, I wanted to at least feel a little good about them. But I’ve grown tired of scrolling past ads to get to what I actually want to find…thus Kagi.
@jarrod Nice, great to hear! 😊
Kagi is truly one of my favourite tech products... But I still wonder what they have to do to get on that short list of engines Safari supports natively. Apple really shouldn't be as stingy about it.
@havn With all the hubbub around search engines and the rising popularity of Kagi, I would be surprised if it doesn’t make that shortlist next year. But yeah, I hope it doesn’t cost them a boatload of money to get there.
@jarrod I mean, Apple claims to be really into privacy... 🙃
You'd think they at least do this little thing to make it easier for their users to not get tracked (_and_ not see ads) while using their products.
Safari is way better with Kagi, compared to both Google and DuckDuckGo.
@havn Ah yes, but Apple is also very into money, and we’ve recently learned that it gets a nearly 40% cut of every ad dollar that Google makes off Safari searches. I’m having a hard time squaring that direct benefit against their privacy morals.
But yes, in principle, I agree it would be an easy move for them to make and get to claim more choice/privacy.
@jarrod Haha, yeah I know... But adding Kagi to that list, wouldn't affect that deal at all, though.