@philipbrewer good tips! Canadian winters require that I run even when we’ll below freezing, but the right gear makes it okay.
@philipbrewer great post on winter running clothing! I have found over the years (as I enjoy running in the winter) that having the right clothing and layers makes a huge difference and normally I don’t have many on anyways. My biggest game changer has been wearing a rain jacket to just cut the cold and then typically I only have long sleeves on under. There is some great salmon running mittens that are thin and only like rain jacket material. For lights I have preferred Knuckle Lights as I never liked headlamps and I felt like they bounced. Finally, yaktrax I wear on my running shoes for icy conditions but I also have a pair of “trail running” Salmon shoes that have thicker treads that help in snow sometimes so it doesn’t stick to the treads as much. Sorry for the long reply I probably should have posted about this 🤣
@ericmwalk Delighted by long reply—thank you!
My wife has a pair of yaktrax, which I should try out. (I've been leery because I was nearby when a woman put hers on to go out, but while walking a few steps across the tile floor to the door slipped, fell, and broke her wrist.)
@philipbrewer typically I just run more carefully when icy. Not ideal though, I should take conditions more seriously. That said, the only time I’ve fallen while running was on a bright, clear summer day. I tripped on some construction debris and crushed my Apple Watch 😢
@philipbrewer I love Kahtoola Nanospikes for running. Not that I’m running this winter, but I ran all through last winter on quite snowy, icy roads with the Nanospikes and felt very secure.
@mroutley Likewise—but perhaps because I've almost completely avoided running except on bright summer days. After a few falls (harmless, but a couple of them could have been serious) tripping on uneven bits of pavement over the years, I've managed to get into the habit of picking my feet up a bit further, which seems to have helped with that.
@agilelisa Thanks for mentioning Nanospikes—I'll look into them further.