It’s time for a new avatar. I’m thinking I should update them more frequently. Maybe yearly? Anyway, here is the new one.

It’s time for a new avatar. I’m thinking I should update them more frequently. Maybe yearly? Anyway, here is the new one.
@rickardlindberg Nice photo! I tapped on the profile photo, and it seems very blurry in comparison with the one in the timeline. Is it deliberate, or is it the rendering maybe?
@odd Thanks! I'm not sure what you mean. I think the profile photo in the timeline has a higher resolution. The profile photo comes from Gravatar.
@odd I uploaded the original photo on the profile settings page. Perhaps it looks better now?
@rickardlindberg Yes, I think it is more sharp now. I think all profile pictures here on Micro.Blog are run through a scale-down process (file size) to make them load faster, so it will not be very sharp anyway.