
I just published something on my weblog that was hard to hit publish on. It could go either way, but this is the end for me thinking about it for now. I actually feel a weight off my shoulders and can breathe a little easier tonight. If I was a drinker I’d have a beer.

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@anniegreens I’m sorry to hear that you had those interactions over there. I know I’m not the best person in reading other people, or responding in a timely manner, so if it was me, I apologise. I can be such a jerk sometimes. No ill intended.

As for who you made uncomfortable, I don’t understand how that could have happened. You come over as a thoughtful and respectful person to me.

I hope you’ll stick around here, and maybe find a “backup place” also, where there are good server rules, (that are being enforced), so that you can breathe and root out any problems easily.

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@odd it was not you, and thank you for your kind words

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