
Trump’s popularity hits a new low

Don’t be complacent. Don’t assume

Nazis never attained more than 37 percent of the vote at the height of their popularity in 1932, Hitler took absolute power in Germany largely due to divisions and inaction among the majority who opposed Nazism.”

Hitler’s Rise to Power.

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I wrote this in September '22, reminding us that

Nazis never attained more than 37 percent of the vote at the height of their popularity in 1932, Hitler took absolute power in Germany largely due to divisions and inaction among the majority who opposed Nazism.”

I have just now started listening to 🔗 🎙️ this podcast with Kara Swisher - but more importantly her guest is Timothy Ryback talking about his new book 📚 ‘Takeover: Hitler's Final Rise to Power’.

In the first 5 minutes he gets to the nub of that scary thought - but I also learned that Hitler took people to court over ‘rigged elections’ and used 'voter fraud' as an argument in courts to 'legitimately' overthrow elections ... at one point arguing that the 37% was the largest single block of voters - and that he - and he alone should win because 37% is ‘’75% of 51%’ - and so he had the majority of the majority …

Let’s see how long that takes to appear in the Orange One’s Playbook.

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@JohnPhilpin 🫨I am hoping to be able to read Madeleine Albright’s Fascism: A warning one of these days.

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