Pixel art 🚧 So this is my practice piece for today, being the 8th day of April Fool’s Month. It’s called “Obi-Wan 💩🪐” It was a lot of running around, but I’m still pleased with it, in a funny way 🤪 🖥👨🎨🎨

Pixel art 🚧 So this is my practice piece for today, being the 8th day of April Fool’s Month. It’s called “Obi-Wan 💩🪐” It was a lot of running around, but I’m still pleased with it, in a funny way 🤪 🖥👨🎨🎨
@renevanbelzen I think it’s very cool! And the face is excellent!
@odd Thanks! Maybe those expensive portrait drawing lessons years ago pay off finally.
@sod It's a long road ahead. On PixelJoint.com I'm a mere level 2 out of 9. So there's more than enough room to improve for me. Not that I'll ever approach the pixel art gods on that site; they keep improving as well.