
Ich finde unsere Behörden müssen alle zum Augenarzt, denn viele sind auf dem rechten Auge blind.

Via Rebecca v. Kay auf Twitter

Infografik, die den eklatanten Unterschied zwischen der Zahl an Todesopfern durch linke und rechte Gewalt zeigen. Durch rechte Gewalt starben zwischen 1990 und 2020 zigfach mehr Menschen.

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@mangochutney I’m saddened by this, but the map comes as no surprise, and it would be even worse in Norway. I was in Kiel together with my father in 2006, and there were a couple of dozen police cars by the central station, and we asked what was going on at the Tourist Bureau, and they said “Oh, it’s the Nazis…”. Again?, I thought. But it got much worse here in 2011: 77 dead, and many more injured badly.

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