Grammarly just enabled Grammarly Go on my account. I think that’s cool and could prove to be handy occasionally. Grammarly isn’t perfect, far from it, but for someone like me who’s not an English native, it helps a lot. Now, with Go, I feel even more in good company for all my writing. I get 500 requests p...
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@numericcitizen My workplace was constantly complaining about people’s writing. We all had to follow a strict, lengthy checklist that nobody could remember. It was shitty and made us all feel inadequate. So my team decided to order Grammerly Pro subscriptions. The Legal department and IT department denied our request, citing data practice concerns. My boss did not advocate on our behalf. “Fine,” I thought. “Set a standard nobody can meet and then deny acces to a tool that would help people meet it. Great way to run an organization, guys.” It’s part of the reason I wanted to get out of there so bad. Unfortunately my new organization, which I love 1,000x more than the old one, is even more restrictive and prohibitive about technology. We don’t even have access to OneDrive or SharePoint so we’re still emailing documents back and forth to edit them. No automations in place, no workflows. It’s incredibly infuriating and inefficient. I don’t know when public sector leadership will wake up and start embracing some of this stuff, but they’d better do it soon because it isn’t slowing down. I’m not saying we have to be on the bleeding edge, but remaining 10 years behind the current standard is no way to attract and retain talent, especially these days. (Actually I DO think government (NOT just the military) SHOULD be on the bleeding edge of technology. We should be innovating faster and better, setting the gold standard, helping the citizens and saving taxpayer money by truly leveraging smart technology. But we won’t even pay for filtered water for our employees to drink because it’s considered a personal perk, so something tells me we’re a long way off from the day of being on the bleeding edge of tech.) Anyway, have fun with Grammerly lol 😊

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@UndamnedOne I couldn't agree more. I'm working in IT and I do get these answers most of the time ("not the company's standard", "not secure enough", etc.). As for my use of Grammarly, it's for personal use only.

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@UndamnedOne I wonder if they'd let you use LanguageTool. I don't use Grammarly because I try to use open-source tooling when possible.

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