@miljko I'm trying to decipher your position in regards to ChatGPT. My English isn't good enough I think to read between the lines. I found your take interesting nonetheless.
@numericcitizen Sorry about that, I tend to overcomplicate things by omission.
I started writing a long-ish response, but didn't want to abuse Micro.blog's feature/bug of showing replies of unlimited length without truncating, so here it is as a post which I hope you'll find a bit less oblique.
@miljko Thanks for the response. A bit less oblique indeed. I'm currently gathering my thoughts around ChatGPT. My general feeling goes like this: don't fight, embrace it but stay critical and use other tools too.
@numericcitizen Exactly! Like the content-aware fill in Photoshop, or other advanced tools/filters. It will be what the humans using it make it out to be.