@njr I am a data analyst, though I don't often post about it because work stuff is proprietary. I will follow you to learn more about Python, which I've dabbled in. My last work laptop didn't have enough RAM for pandas to be useful, so my use of Python for work is pretty limited.
@mjdescy I’ll follow you too.
I haven’t posted much directly here about Python/Data Science, but the tdda blog (tdda.info) has lots, and posts on that get tirned into microposts here, so there’ll be some.
@njr Cool. I subscribed to the TDDA blog, which I hadn't heard of before, and hope to learn from that, too!
@mjdescy Great. I’m a bit surprised pandas was a problem unless your data was huge. It’s fairly efficient. But maybe it was a really small machine. I run Python with pandas on reasonable-size datasets on the smallest Linode instances without problems.
@njr The data was huge. I had to munge and filter it using GNU Coreutils before I could run my analysis. By that point, I had retreated from Python to tools I was more familiar with.
@rosemaryorchard Good enough!
@rosemaryorchard Pythonista is awesome, isn’t it? I downloaded our 300k LOC data analysis package, and ir ran OK, iPad and iPhone. Not a toy at all!