I need to read more. I enjoy literature and non-gimmicky self improvement stuff. Anything that can evoke an aha moment. Recommendations? 📚
I need to read more. I enjoy literature and non-gimmicky self improvement stuff. Anything that can evoke an aha moment. Recommendations? 📚
@nicholaslash I enthusiastically recommend WG Sebald. His last novel, Austerlitz, is his most 'conventional' and might be a good starting point.
@cn Anything that opens the mind to ideas. Not light reading, for enrichment . Can be really any school of thought, not just existentialism. The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Camus, etc. Even though it doesn't fit that category, I enjoy F. Scott Fitzgerald's use of language.
@nicholaslash Project Gutenberg ought to have something to suit your tastes; I think I read to learn, be entertained, and to fall asleep…
@soutpiel Thanks! I'll check it out. I'm trying to get back into reading after focusing mainly on programming books last year.
@nicholaslash After many years reading just technical books, I started going to the library and choosing a random selection of fiction books. To my surprise, I've found plenty that I really enjoyed, just by skimming for interesting-looking spines initially... unusual fonts, colour choices.