
Day 10 of WeblogPoMo2024

I had a blog written about my state of mind this week and trashed it because I thought it became too personal. I ended up revising it and thinking about my personal boundaries when it came to posting things online, while remaining my authentic self.

How do you deal with it?

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@jedda I liked reading your post. I also have set up boundaries for my own blogging. I picture my boss or a person at work reading my posts. If it would feel bad or embarrassing in some way, well I don’t publish.

But I don’t really like holding back like that. I would like to be more open and sharing more private stuff online, for now it will have to wait. I try to be personal but not that private.

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@ndreas I think that feeling bad or embarrassed is a good guiding principle. For the most part, I prefer to keep most of my personal life separated from work life, although acknowledge that sometimes the lines get blurred. I try to determine if the words that I'm releasing out there in the world is something that I wouldn't mind them know about ME, and that's where I have a hard time. I would like to be personable, and relatable and in order to do that.. I have divulge some information about ME, but also would like to keep some sort of privacy. As you can see, I'm still trying to figure all of that out 😅

Thank you for taking the time to interact, and share your thoughts on this. It's nice to see how others POV on it because it is something that's on my mind a lot.

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@jedda I find this subject interesting. I want to keep work life and my personal life separate as well, and that’s why I am thinking about people from work reading my posts. Worlds are getting mixed all the time. I try to be precautious. Maybe too precautious, because the things I’m holding back are my true feelings.

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