I read this week about the miracle at Cana, when Jesus turned water into wine. His mother Mary didn’t demand a specific solution to the problem at hand. She simply and humbly told Jesus “they’ve run out of wine” in faith that he would do whatever was best. If only I had that confiden...
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@nathanrhale I can’t lie. Cana is the miracle that leaves me scratching my head the most. Especially the “my time hasn’t come” part, then he does it anyway. As I was thinking just now I wondered if it’s like me when I’m “too busy”. Maybe I should just help when help is needed.

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@ChrisJWilson I think you are on to something!! I believe there are two other very plausible interpretations of that obscure phrase that might help.

The first is that Jesus is saying, "Mom, I haven't revealed my mission, my power, my way of doing my principle ministry yet. It hasn't happened yet...Are you ready?"

The second is that he reminding his mother (who no doubt did have robust understanding of the implication of her son's mission--see the Magnificat) that although he is willing to help, this is not the definitive moment of his glory. Ultimately, that will be on the cross, confirmed by his resurrection.

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