
I now have my Instagram feed in my web reader, thanks to Instagram Atom, by Ryan Barrett. Much better.

(h/t @johnjohnston, whose opinion I share entirely)

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@SimonWoods I needed this, for the few friends who have practically sworn never to use any other platform, sighs. But I’m afraid Instagram will eventually shut down or choke this service as well in their efforts to be the peak of all siloed platforms.

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@uncertainquark Yep, they probably will do just that. Honestly I just look at it in the way I would a physical space that I also don't like but is the only way to see certain people.

For me, there's no reason why I should have more control over that on the web than I do in the physical world; I know it feels like there should be more control but that emotion is in itself a trick my mind plays on a regular basis. I care more about seeing the people than being upset about the place.

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Honestly I just look at it in the way I would a physical space that I also don't like but is the only way to see certain people.

You know what’s so uncanny about this? I treat it exactly the same way! A lot of the Web makes more sense when I treat each place as physical life analogues. We have way, way less freedom in several physical places of public relevance than we do even on certain closed socials.

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@moonmehta Yep, agreed. I also think there have always been distractions for the masses; inferior experiences built to take advantage of the basic fact that people just want other people to notice them... so it's fine, this is another one, and there will always be others.

It's why I have come to care so much about my small communities, whether physical or digital. I believe it is in these settings that we can all make better changes.

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