
So, how do you label your zettelkasten notes when using a digital tool. The original method of using a numbering scheme looks sort of unnecessary in digital world (maybe @matti @jayeless ?)?

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@tkoola With Obsidian you are pretty free to decide how you want to go about it since it will rename links in other notes to the renamed note. I think it might still be worth it to prepend some kind of unique id to your notes (e. g. yyyymmddhhss as the folks at advise is pretty established and I use it myself). Many of the reasons to only name a Zettel after an Id are actually not valid for Obsidian - thanks to the renaming powers of the app. Stil predictable unique ids are nice. The reason for this is that it might make migration tasks easier - who knows if Obsidian will be around in 10 years? I tend to name my Zettel like this: "<uniqueId> - <category> - <zettel type> <title>". So for example: 20211219003435 - sociology - def. Social System

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@tkoola I wouldn't call my notes a real zettelkasten, but my usual naming scheme is "yyyy-mm-dd Title of Note". If I intend a note to be "timeless", or kept up to date over time, then I skip the date part. I have a few different folders to put notes in depending on the type of note (e.g. "Daily", "Other Chronological", "Wiki") and also use tags to group notes on similar topics

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